Friday, April 23, 2010

Geek Strength Golf Performance Training- PART 1

Geek Strength Fans,

I’d like to announce a sports specific training package that I’ve developed specifically to help golfers improve their game. This package is probably like none anywhere else in the country, because of multiple, unique converging elements that have come together to make this training truly one-of-a-kind. For golfers lucky enough to frequent the Brookhaven Country Club, or who live near the Farmers Branch/Addison, Texas area, this training will be your secret weapon for domination over your golf buddies (and rivals).

First off, why a golf-specific program? There is really one major reason, which is that my house is situated on the Brookhaven Golf Course in Farmers Branch, Texas. The Geek Forge garage gym opens to the rear of our house, and looks out onto one fairway of the 6530 yard Championship Course. I don’t play golf, but I picked a house on a golf-course because I didn’t want my garage gym to open into an alley or to face the street in front. I like to train with the garage door up, without being on display to my neighbors, but with a view nicer than a dingy alley to inspire me and my clients. As garage gyms go, the Geek Forge is truly an ideal setup. These houses were built in the 1960’s and much less expensive than many of the neighborhoods in the area that have alleys and tiny yards. Go figure.

Nearly every day, in all sorts of weather, golfers travel the fairway, and they can be observed from our kitchen window when we eat breakfast. We say hello when I am working in my garden, and they pass by when I am training in the Geek Forge. In any case, during the several years I have lived here and trained in my garage gym, I have noticed there are basically four types of golfers:

1.) Ones that ride in golf carts.
2.) Ones that walk, but have motorized remote control golf bags.
3.) Ones that walk, and push their golf bags like baby strollers.
4.) Ones that walk, and carry their golf bags slung over the shoulder.

Now I don’t need to tell you that those four groups on average also correspond to the fattest and leanest golfers. In fact, the golfers that carry their own clubs on their backs, often wear sunglasses and Foreign Legion-like visored caps (no shaded golf-cart to hide in), and their lean, fit physiques, bronzed from the sun, and quick, purposeful movement remind me of elite special forces soldiers. There is not a fat one among them.

This is in direct contrast (on average) to the ones who ride in electric golf carts…

Meanwhile, this entire time it never occurred to me just how much golfers could benefit from hard-core strength and conditioning methods. Not until I happened to see the cover of Vanity Fair magazine, with a shirtless Tiger Woods, shredded and holding a pair of dumbbells. Here Tiger is, in Vanity Fair, doing pull-ups. He’s training like an athlete, and he looks like one. Of course great strength and conditioning is going to help a golfer’s game! Just like any other sport!

However, what really got me inspired to design a program for golfers was the reaction to Tiger’s Vanity Fair photo shoot. Some folks claimed Tiger must be on steroids, human growth hormone, or testosterone, why?....

Because he looks good without his shirt on.

Yeah right! His physique is completely obtainable without such drugs as crutches. Knee-jerk claims that someone must use performance enhancing drugs because they look athletic just shows how far we have declined into a society of fat-ass and skinny-fat cry babies. It is pathetic. Tiger looks exactly like what every man can and should look like, naturally, without even touching a barbell. His physique can easily be obtained through body-weight exercises alone.

So, if you are a golfer who wants to improve your health, the first step is this: ditch the golf-cart and walk. Skip the fancy robotic club bag and just push it on wheels. Once that is no problem, carry the bag slung on your back. Too heavy? Play without some of your more specialized clubs, and add them back as you get stronger. You are building a more important component of your game. I like to call it your “weapons platform.”

Do this, and you will vastly improve your overall health and fitness. You may even look fairly decent when you strip off that Ralph Lauren golf shirt. Of course, check with your doctor golf buddy first, before engaging in this, or any other, exercise program.

If you want to go beyond health, and reinvent your physique, AND your game, then hold on to your clubs, and stay tuned for PART 2 of this series.

Best regards,
Jon Burroughs

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